Nurses' perception regarding utilization of information technology at primary health care centers in Port Said city

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Nursing

2 Assistant Professor of Family and Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University, Port Said City

3 Assistant Professor of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University

4 Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University


Technological development and adoption of new technology in healthcare have greatly affected the work of nurses, as increased use of technology has created a constant demand for nurses to develop new skills and competencies, otherwise technology is expected to improve the quality of care and ease the work of nurses at healthcare organizations. Aim: To assess nurses` perception regarding the utilization of information technology at primary health care centers in Port Said city. Subjects and Method: A descriptive research design was conducted at the primary health centers located at Port Said city. A cluster sample technique was be used to choose the primary health care centers from each district, Chosen one randomly from each district .Tool: Two tools were used in this study; Tool (1) Interview sheet contained personal and educational data, Tool (2)A Structured Interview Sheet Tool adopted from Hegny et al., 2007. Results: The study revealed that most of the studied nurses (80.4%) had negative perception regarding of using information technology, In addition, there were significant statistical relationship between both negative and fair nurses' knowledge perception and negative nurses' attitude at positive direction. Conclusion: the study concluded that most of the studied nurses had negative perception regarding aspects of using information technology and more than half had fair attitude toward using information technology. Recommendations: providing periodic effective training programs for nurses regarding using of information technology in primary care centers.


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