Document Type : Original Article


1 M.ScPsychiatric Nursing and Mental Health Department, Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University

2 Prof. of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, faculty of nursing,port-said university

3 Assistant ProfessorPsychiatric Nursing and Mental Health Department, Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University

4 lecturer of Surgical Oncology Department , Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University


Background: Hysterectomy is particular type of surgery, which can influence the patient's life. In fact, deciding to undergo hysterectomy is a difficult process for every woman, especially psychologically. Aim: This study aims to investigate the relation between body image, self-esteem and quality of sexual life among women after hysterectomy. Subjects and Method: A descriptive correlational research design was used. The study was conducted at outpatient clinic of Oncology Center of Mansoura University. The study involved 188 women with hysterectomy. Tools of data collection: used four tools; body image scale, self-esteem scale, Quality of sexual life questionnaire and an interviewquestionnaire.The data was collected through an interview questionnaire.Results: Revealed that above half of womenwith hysterectomywas high concern with body image, majority of women with hysterectomy had high level of self-esteem and above three quarters of women reported being satisfied with their sexual life after hysterectomy. Conclusion: There was a strong positive correlation between patient's body image and self-esteem also, positive correlation between patient's self-esteem and quality of their sexual life. The main recommendation:Suggested isinitiating comprehensive health educational programs as well as rehabilitation programs for all women following cancer treatment in outpatient's clinics of oncology department units should be held, including psychological, social and physical related- issues.


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