Effect of an Educational Guideline about Gynecological Examination on Nurses' Knowledge and Practices

Document Type : Original Article


1 Maternity, Gynecology & Obstetrics Nursing , port said university

2 Professor of Maternity and Gynecology Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University

3 Assistant professor of Obstetrics and gynecology medicine Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University

4 Assistant professor of Maternity, Gynecology, and Obstetrics, Nursing Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University


Background:Gynecological examination has been long considered a fundamental component of the woman healthand it is the most commonly performed procedure in gynecological practice. aim: Evaluate the effect of implementing an educational guideline about  gynecological examination onnurses'knowledge and practices.Design:Quasi-experimental design was utilized to conduct the study. Setting:Study carried out in  two hospital in Damietta Gavernate namely; Al-Azhar university hospital, and El Zarka Central Hospital.Sbjects:All nurses working in privous mention settings were inculeded in the study, thier size were 40 nurse .Tools:Three  toolswere used for data collection; a structuredinterview  to collect the needed  data about nurses' knowledge ,observational checklist to collect the needed  data about nurses' practicesregarding gynecological examinations.Results:Reveled thatno one of the studied nurses had previous training courses related to gynecologicalexamination.There wasa marked improvement in nurses' knowledge and practices regarding gynecological examination post-intervention(87.5%-85%) respectivelycompared topre-intervention were (55%-30%) respectivelyat (P= < 0.01).Conclusion:Educational Guideline About Gynecological Examination has positive effect onnurses'knowledge and practices.Recommendations:educational guideline about gynecological examination should be all obstetric health caregivers.


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