Document Type : Original Article


1 nursing administration .faculty of nursing ,port said university

2 nursing Administration, faculty of nursing, tanta university

3 Head nurse at elmansoura chest hospital, Dakahlia Governorate


Background:  Organization justice alludes to the degree to which nurses perceive working environment strategy, cooperation, and results to be reasonable, a major result of low levels of justice in organizations is increasing levels of job burnout among nurses. Study aim:  is to investigate organizational justice perception and their relation to job burnout among nurses at Port Saidselected Hospitals. Subjects and Method: Descriptive correlational examination configuration was led in all inpatient divisions at Port-Saidselected Hospitals on 206 nurses. Data collection tools incorporated Colquitt's Organizational Justice Scale and Maslach Burnout Inventory and content validated by a panel of specialists. Results: The study results revealed that around half of nurses had a moderate degree of overall organizational justice and more than one third of nurses had moderate levels of emotional exhaustion. Additionally, less than three quarters of nurses had low levels of depersonalization. Likewise, overall organizational justice and it's all dimensions has a statistical significant negative correlation with total job burnout. Conclusion and recommendations:  Nurses' perceived moderate degree of organizational justice, interactional justice scored the highest percentage. Whereas, a moderate level of burnout. Negative significant correlation between organizational justice and job burnout. However, negative significant correlations between all organizational justice and its dimensions with emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and total job burnout.  The study recommends that a performance appraisal system with relevant job description should be applied to distributive justice by nurse manager.


Main Subjects

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