Document Type : Original Article


Nursing administration


Background: Organizational justice, trust and identification deals with the academic staff’ perception of fairness, rewards, relation and participating in a decision-making process that strengthening employees to provide large effort above the expectations of official role as organizational citizenship. It is individual behaviors, which are helpfulness, well-meaning and cooperation among faculty members and avoid undesirable acts to improve the skills of academic staff. Aim Identify the relationship of organizational justice, trust, and identification with academic staff` citizenship behavior. Design: Descriptive correlation was utilized.  Setting: Faculty of nursing- Mansoura University. Subjects: all nursing academic staff at nursing faculty during the academic year 2017-2018 and not have managerial position (160). Tools: Four tools were used: organizational justice scale, organizational trust scale, Organizational Identification Questionnaire and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Questionnaire. Result: High percent 43.8%, 61.9% & 80% of academic staff had high level of organizational trust, identification and citizenship behavior respectively, while  (47.5%) of them had moderate level of organizational justice. Academic staff had high level of organizational citizenship behavior were high feeling of justice, trust and identification. Statistically significant correlations were found between organizational citizenship behavior with organizational justice, trust and identification. Conclusion: Organizational justice, trust and identification are significant for academic staff citizenship behaviors. Correlation was found between Organizational citizenship behaviors with organizational justice, trust and identification. Recommendation: The efforts of improve academic staff’s perceived organizational justice, trust and identification should be exerted by Faculty management through: provides equal chance for academic staff to participate in the process of decision making.


Main Subjects

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