Document Type : Original Article


1 nursing administration .faculty of nursing ,port said university

2 Emergency Hospital in Kafr Saad, Damietta

3 nursing administration, Mansoura university


Background: Organizations change their working environments to turn out to be more spiritual, it will perhaps turn into a significant new driver of work engagement and thriving at work. Aim: Investigate the relationship between engagement, spirituality, and thriving at work among nurses. Subjects and Method: Design: Descriptive correlational research design. Subjects: Total number of nurses included in the study were 257 nurses. Setting: The study was carried out in a Main Mansoura University Hospital at all departments of the main building, data collection tools: The incorporated scale of Utrecht work engagement, workplace spirituality, thriving at work scale. Results: The study results revealed that the highest percent of the nurses had a moderate level of total engagement and absorption domains. In addition, the highest percent of workplace spirituality domains was shown in the inner life, followed by a sense of community. Whereas, most of them had a moderate level in the total additional items. Also, the highest percent of the nurses had a moderate level of thriving and there had a level of vitality and learning domain. Conclusion: There was a highly positive correlation between work engagement, workplace spirituality, thriving at work among nurses. Recommendations: Continuing education programs for nurses in improving their workplace position and various clinical settings and different health care sectors are worthwhile would replication of the present study.


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