Document Type : Original Article


nursing administration .faculty of nursing ,port said university


Background: Academic performance of students plays an important role to improve the quality of education which produces a high quality graduates who are the backbone of their countries. Aim:  This study was to investigate the relationship between factors affecting academic performance among nursing students and their relation to academic achievement. Subjects and method: Design:  A descriptivecorrelational research design was used for the current study. Setting : The study was carried out in the Technical Institute for Health in Port Said city  Subjects:  a purposive sample (140) nursing students; (14) nurses students were excluded in a pilot study, so the actual number of nurses students on duty was (126) members. Tools: Data was collected through utilizing two questionnaire sheet; a self-reporting questionnaire sheet to assess factors affecting academic performance and other for determining the academic achievement of the students. Results:  Revealed that the activity and services-related aspect dimension was the highest mean (34.2±6.71), followed by the relation between the students and staff-related aspect (33.29±3.38), while the personal condition factors was the lowest mean (8.72± 1.8). Conclusion:  A relationship was found only between the lecturer related- aspect and the students’ academic achievement grade, while there was no a statistically significant correlation between all factors affecting on the academic performance of the students and their academic achievement grade. recommendations:  Replication of the study on various academic settings to investigate factors affected students’ academic performance and their achievements to detect the facilities that enhance the quality of learning.


Main Subjects

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