Document Type : Original Article


1 کليه تمريض جامعة بورسعيد

2 Professor of Family & Community Health Nursing department Faculty of Nursing Port Said University

3 Assistant Prof. of Family & Community Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing Port Said University

4 Assistant Prof. of Family & Community Health Nursing department Faculty of Nursing Port Said University


Background: It has been reported that workers in bakeries face numerous corporate health hazards at the location of work, with lack of awareness and caution to ward hazards and safety measures. Aim: To assess Occupational Health Hazards And Safety Measures Among Bakery  Workers At Port said City.  Subjects and method: Design: Cross sectional research design was used. Setting: The study was conducted at all bakeries affiliated to PortSaidcity districts Subjects: Multi stages sampling was used in this study. Bakers working in bakeries affiliated to PortSaidcity, number: 90 bakers, were included in the study. Tools: Three tools were used to collect the data for the study, namely Structured Interviewing, an observational checklist and Environmental safety checklist and Environmental safety checklist. Results: 77.8% of bakers did not use precaution tools to protect themselves at work , about 90 bakers use mask and 90% bakers  use gloves. Only 8.9% of bakers attend training sessions Conclusion: The study concluded that more than two thirds of bakers suffering from headache and electric shocks due to exposure to physical hazard, the majority of bakers have chest allergies and allergic rhinitis due to exposure to chemical hazard, the majority of them have back pain due to exposure to mechanical hazard and the majority of them have Psychological pressure and nervous tension due to psychological pressure. Recommendations. Continuation of work-related health platform to the whole bakeries w workers to promote their practice and information for anticipation of work related hazards of health.                                                                                                


Main Subjects