Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Maternal and Newborn Health Nursing Beni-sueif University, Egypt

2 Lecturer of Obstetrics &Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine Beni-sueif University

3 Assistant professor Pediatric Nursing, Minia University, Egypt

4 Assistant professor Maternal and Newborn Health Nursing Helwan University


Background:  Non- pharmacological interventions can affect maternal and neonatal outcomes in a positive way. Aim: To evaluate the effect of listening of holy Qur'an verses on labor progress, maternal and neonatal outcome. Subjects and method: Design: This quasi-experimental study was utilized. Setting: study was   conducted in maternity Unit in Beni – suef university Hospital and Helwan General Hospital, Subjects: A purposive sample of 200 full term parturient Muslim women was classified into two groups, the study (n=100) and the control (n=100). Participants in the study group were listened to Quran recitation by a hand free- earphone through a women’s phone while those in the in the control group used hospital routine care. Tools: Socio- demographic and obstetric data, Labor progress and outcome assessment, Visual analog pain severity scale, visual analog scale for anxiety and the Pain Coping Scale Apgar Score were used as research tools to assess newborn need for resustation . Results: study revealed that the meam age of both groups (Quran and control)  were29.22±4.1 and 28.68±6.2respectivelyand duration of first stage of labor, mean score of anxiety was statistically significant difference p=0.004, meanwhile mean pain coping score,  were significantly higher p=0.001 in Quran group. Conclusion: Listening Quran  had positive effects on progress of labor and maternal neonatal outcomes. Recommendations: Encourage women to listen to Quran during labor phases as one of the significant modalities to improve labor progress, manage pain, anxiety and attain more satisfactory birthing experience and neonatal out come.


Main Subjects

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International Journal of Novel Research in Healthcare and Nursing Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp: (115-126), Month: May - August, Available at: www.noveltyjournals.com