Effect of Coping Strategies Program on Quality of Life and Burden of Care among Family Caregivers of Alzheimer Patients

Document Type : Original Article


1 Community health nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University.

2 Family and Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University.

3 Family and Community Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University.


Background: Improving the effective coping strategies of caregivers of Alzheimer's patients lead to a decrease in care pressure and ultimately, promotion of their health. Aim: To evaluate the effect of coping strategies program on quality of life and burden of care among caregivers of Alzheimer patients at Port Said City. Design: A quasi-experimental design was applied. Setting: This study was carried out at neurologic outpatient clinics of the psychiatric hospital in Port Said city. Subjects: Purposive sample (110) of all family caregivers of the Alzheimer's patients were included in this study. Tools of data collection: The Family Caregivers' Socio-Demographic Information Questionnaire; Caregivers' Burden Scale; and Short Form Health-Related Quality of Life translated Scale were used. Results: Mean age of the caregivers was 41.36 ± 12.74 years and 70.9% of them were females. There was a reduction in total caregivers’ burden in post-test phase of the program compared to the pre and follow-up stages. In addition, there were highly statistically significant differences between total items of the caregiver burden assessment through all phases of the program. Also, there was an obvious improvement in the caregivers’ quality of life levels during the program. Conclusion: After implementation of the program, those Caregivers who received the designed program reduced their care burden experienced and affected their quality of life positively. Recommendations: Continuous health educations programs for caregivers of Alzheimer's patients are necessary needed and further studies using a large study sample size in different settings are highly recommended.


Main Subjects

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