Effectiveness of Childbirth Education on Primigravida Womens’ Knowledge about Childbirth Preparation

Document Type : Original Article


1 Maternity, Gynecology& Obstetrics Nursing, faculty of nursing, port said university, port said, Egypt

2 Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Faculty of Nursing - Zagazig University

3 Professor of Reproductive Health - International Islamic Center for Population Studies and Research - Al-Azhar University

4 maternity, obstetric and gynecologic nursing department .faculty of nursing. portsaid university

5 Assistant prof of Maternity, Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing, Faculty of Nursing - Port said University


Background: Childbirth education is an essential component of prenatal care. Preparing for childbirth helps women cope with their pregnancies and improves pregnancy outcomes. Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of childbirth education on primigravida women’s knowledge about Childbirth Preparation. Subjects and method: Design: A quasi-experimental design was applied. Setting: The study was conducted at antenatal care clinics in health care centers at comprehensive health insurance in Port Said city. Subjects: Purposive sample, The sample consisted of 66 primigravida women who attended the research setting and were included in this study. Tools of data collection: The Structured interview regarding the labor process and childbirth preparation. Results: women's ages ranged from 25- 35 years. The studied sample demonstrated a significantly higher level of childbirth preparation knowledge (P 0.001), with a high reported satisfactory knowledge level (75.8%) of childbirth preparation in post-intervention than the pre-intervention (18.2%). Conclusion: Improvement of a primigravida woman's knowledge about preparationfor childbirth after the implementation of the education program. Recommendations: Continuous childbirth education programs for pregnant women in different antenatal care settings are highly recommended.


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