The Relationship between the Authentic Leadership and the Nurses' Innovative Behavior in Health Care Organizations

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University, Port Said City, Egypt

2 Administration,faculty of nursing ,port-said,port-said,Egypt.

3 Lecturer of nursing administration, faculty of nursing, Port Said University, Egypt

4 nursing administration .faculty of nursing ,port said university


Background: Authentic leadership is a relational style that is to nurture a flaring work atmosphere and affect the employee’s enactment and outcomes while innovative work conduct is highly proven to support the operational maturity and its competitive advantages .Aim of the Study: was to examine the relationship between authentic leadership as perceived by nurses and the nurses' innovative behavior in healthcare. Subjects and Methods: Design: Descriptive correlational research design. Setting: Damietta city hospitals which are affiliated to the Ministry of Health and Population, Egypt. Subjects: nurses working in the previously mentioned setting with a total number 323 nurses working in all departments .Tools: The study data were collected using The Authentic Nurse Leader Questionnaire -Staff Leader Evaluation and The Innovative Work Behavior Scale. Results: About 42.7% of the studied nurses assumed their nurse leaders were highly authentic. Nevertheless, 41.5% of nurses demonstrated a lower level of innovation behavior in their practice. Finally, statistically significant positive correlations between all authentic leadership domains and all innovative behavior domains (p 0.00). Conclusion: It was concluded that there is a two-thirds of the studied nurses perceived their leaders as having authentic leadership skills. Furthermore, a minority of the nurses studied exhibited high levels of innovative behavior, while less than half exhibited low levels of innovative behavior. Recommendation: Nurse Managers should have the ability to adopt authentic leadership behaviors and should engage other staff nurses’ opinions in the decision-making process, which may create new ideas.


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