Knowledge and Practices of Women Regarding Risk Factors and Preventive Measures of Vaginal Prolapse

Document Type : Original Article


1 Prof. of Maternity Obstetrics & Gynecological Nursing - Faculty of Nursing – Port Said University

2 Assist Prof. of Maternity Obstetrics & Gynecological Nursing- Faculty of Nursing – Port Said University

3 Maternity, Gynecology & Obstetrics Nursing,Faculity ofNursing PortSaid University


Background: Vaginal prolapse is a gynecological health issue that affects millions of women worldwide. It occurs when the vaginal canal descends below its normal position. This is a frequent disorder among women that hurts their quality of life. The current study aimed to assess the knowledge and practices of women regarding risk factors and preventive measures for vaginal prolapse. Subjects and method: Design: A descriptive correlational research design was utilized. Between July and December 2020. Subjects: the researcher employed purposive sampling techniques on 355 women aged 19 to 49 at seven government maternity and child centers in Port Said. Tools: The data was collected by using an interview questionnaire. The Results: The majority of women surveyed (69.6%) had insufficient general knowledge regarding vaginal prolapse (49.8%) had heard of vaginal prolapse from a medical team, and more than half of the women surveyed in the sample (56.9%) thought that preventive methods for vaginal prolapse were satisfactory (antenatal, postpartum, and postpartum). Finally, there was a significant positive link between women's general understanding of vaginal prolapse and their general practice of it (P=0.000). Conclusion: Women had inadequate total knowledge regarding vaginal prolapse. The vast majority of women practice antenatal, natal, and postnatal measures to prevent the occurrence of vaginal prolapse. Recommendations: It was recommended that a vaginal prolapse awareness program for women in their reproductive years must be implemented to prevent its occurrence.


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