Effect of Structured Audio Educational Sessions on Knowledge and Hygienic Practices Regarding Menstruation for Visually Impaired Adolescent Girls

Document Type : Original Article


1 maternity, gynecology and obstetric nursing

2 Maternity, Gynecology and obstetrics nursing, faculty of nursing, port-said university

3 maternity and obstetrics nursing

4 faculty of nursing port- said university

5 Lecturer of Maternity, Gynecology and Obstetrics Nursing -Faculty of Nursing Menoufia University


Background: Adolescent girls who struggle to see (whether it can be due to absolute blindness or other types of impaired eyesight) are a group of disadvantaged girls that need extra care and attention, especially when menstruation time starts because they don't belong to properly notified. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of structured audio educational sessions on knowledge and hygienic practices regarding menstruation for visually impaired adolescent girls. Subjects and method: Design: the current study used a quasi-experimental design. Setting: The study was carried out in Al- Nor and Al- Aml schools in Port-Said city & Damietta city., which included two schools one school at each city. Subjects: Purposive sampling included 50 visually impaired menstruated adolescent girls (27) visually impaired girl at Port-Said City and (23) visually impaired girl at Damietta city. Tools: the first tool, Structured Interviewing Questionnaire, the second tool, Health practices during menstruation, and the third tool, Girls behaviors and restrictions during menstruation. The Results: The current study revealed that there were low of visually impaired adolescent girls’ knowledge and practices level regarding menstruation before implementing the audio educational session. While, there were an improvement in the total knowledge and practices scores of the studied girls regarding menstruation after applying the audio educational sessions with highly statistically significant differences. Conclusion: The current study found that the audio educational sessions were effective in improvement of the visually impaired adolescent girls’ knowledge and practices regarding menstruation. Recommendations: Continuous educational program should be provided to raise awareness of visually impaired adolescent girls regarding menstruation.


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