Effect of Palliative Care Plan on Knowledge and Practice of Children Undergoing Hemodialysis


Pediatric Nursing-Faculty of Nursing – Port Said University


Background: Involvement of pediatric palliative care for children with lifethreatening conditions and their families ideally extends throughout the illness trajectory to improve continuity of care for children and families. The aim: of this study was to determine the effect of palliative care plan on  knowledge and practices of children undergoing hemodialysis. Design: A  quasi-experimental research design  was conducted at the hemodialysis unit of Pediatric University Hospital in Mansoura. Subjects and method: The study was carried out on 35 children whose age ranged from 8-18 years. Structured interview schedule .Selfcare questionnaire, and palliative care plan were used to collect the required data. Results: revealed that increased total mean score of patients knowledge at post test more than pre test  and slightly decreased in follow up test ,with highly statistically significant differences at pre vs post test& pre vs follow up test (p <0.01) for both tests. Also shows increased total mean score of patients reported  practice at post test more than pre test and slightly decreased in follow up test with highly statistically significant differences at pre vs post test& pre vs follow up test (p <0.01) for both tests. It can be concluded: that there was an improvement in studied children knowledge and practice after the implementation of the palliative care plan. So it can be recommended: that continues teaching program about palliative care for children undergoing hemodialysis are needed.


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