Nurses’ Performance for Orthopedic Patients with Traction or Internal Fixatio


Medical Surgical Nursing Faculty of Nursing - Port Said University


Background: Traction or internal fixation is very stressful situation for patient and it requires a competent nurse to meet the patient's needs and to prevent complications. So, orthopedic nurses play a complicated and vital role in the care of patients with traction or internal fixation, Aim of the study: to assess nurses' performance for orthopedic patients with traction or internal fixation. Design: A descriptive research design was utilized in this study. Setting: The study was carried out in orthopedic department at two hospitals in Mansoura City (Mansoura University Hospital and Mansoura Emergency Hospital). Sample: A convenient sample of all staff nurses (50 nurses) who were working at the previously mentioned settings. Tools of data collection: The data were collected using three tools(Nurses' Knowledge Questionnaire, Nurses' Attitude Questionnaire and Nurses’ Observational Checklist). Results: The study’s results indicated that More than half  of studied nurses had unsatisfactory total level of knowledge. Nearly most of the studied nurses had unsatisfactory total practice level and most of them had positive attitude regarding nurses' performance of orthopedic patients with traction or internal fixation. Conclusion: There was a highly statistically significant correlation between nurses’ total level of knowledge and total level of practice. But there was no statistically significant correlation between nurses' total knowledge and their total attitude scores. Recommendations: It was recommended that educational and training programs should be provided to orthopedic nurses to increase their knowledge and practice for caring of patients with traction or internal fixation


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