Relation between Expressed Emotion and Burden among Family Caregivers of Patients with Dementia


Psychiatric / Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of nursing, Ain Shams University


Background: Expressed emotion EE has been a useful construct for understanding the relationship between family interactions and their ill relative The aim: of the present study was to assess relation between expressed emotion and burden among family caregivers of patients with dementia. The study subjects: consisted of 50 caregivers caring for patients with dementia. The study conducted at outpatient clinic of El Abbassia mental health hospital. Three tools: of data collection were used, the first: interviewing questionnaire to assess sociodemographic characteristics of family caregivers having patient with dementia, the second: Expressed emotion (EE) scale to asses expressed emotion among  family caregivers having ill relative with dementia, the third: Burden scale to asses burden among caregivers having ill relative with dementia.  . This study highlighted several important result: First, caregivers of patient with dementia having high Expressed emotion. Second, the result also revealed statistical significant relation between caregiver 's Expressed emotion and burden in caring patient with dementia. The study concluded: that high Expressed emotion as criticism, hostility, over involvement were high among caregivers than low Expressed emotion that include warmth, and positive remarks. Recommendation was, Expressed emotion management strategies for caregivers having patient with dementia . 


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