Impact of Self Learning Package on the Patient’s Performance Undergoing Kidney Transplantation


Medical - Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing - Port Said University


Background: Kidney transplantation is the best method of treatment for improvement of renal functions in patients with end-stage renal failure. The main aims of patient education following renal transplantation are to help patients acquire the required skills for daily living without problem and to help patients cope with physiological and psychosocial problems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of self-learning package on the patient’s performance undergoing kidney transplantation at Urology and Nephrology Center at Mansoura University. Subjects & Methods: the study was carried out in nephrology unit and outpatient's clinics at Urology and Nephrology Center of Mansoura University. Research design: was a quasi-experimental design was utilized, included (50) adult patients undergoing kidney transplantation from both genders. Four tools in this study was used, Patient’s assessment questionnaire consists of four parts: sociodemographic data, patients' knowledge assessment sheet, observational checklist to assess patients' practices, and assessment sheet to assess the appearance of problems and complications. Results: the study results concluded that there was a statistical significant difference was observed in total knowledge and practices through the study periods after implementation of self-learning package. Conclusion: patients had lack of knowledge and practices regarding kidney transplantation, so the self- learning package, which was applied, has remarkable improvement on patients’ knowledge and practices. Recommendations: Replication of the study on a larger probability sample selected from different geographical areas in Egypt is recommended to obtain more generalized data. Periodic health teaching programme for patients undergoing kidney transplantation and their families in outpatients' clinics with simplified printed guidelines through pamphlets , brochures or booklets, and should be held to update the knowledge and practices needed for those patients.


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