Impact of an Educational Program on Self-Efficacy of Patients with Bronchial Asthma


Medical - Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing - Port Said University


Back ground: Bronchial asthma is one of the medical problems that substantially reduce the quality of life of patients; asthma places a large burden on affected patients and their families. Although asthma is a major cause of patient disability and in rare cases causes premature death, asthma morbidity and mortality are largely preventable when patients and their families are adequately educated about the disease and have access to high quality health care. That is, poor outcomes for patient asthma, such as hospitalizations and deaths, are at least partially sensitive to the quality of ambulatory health care. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of an educational program on self-efficacy for patients with bronchial asthma at chest department and out patients’ clinics at Mansoura University Hospital. Subjects & methods: the study was carried out in chest department and out patient's clinics at chest department of Mansoura University Hospital. Research design was A Quazi experimental design was utilized, included (85) adult patients with bronchial asthma from both gender. Two tools in this study was used, patient's assessment questionnaire, and asthma self-efficacy scale. Results: the study results concluded that there was a highly statistically significant improvement in total self-efficacy through the study periods after implementation of the educational program. Conclusion: patients have low self-efficacy regarding bronchial asthma, so the educational program, which was applied, has remarkable improvement on patients’ level of self-efficacy. Recommendations: Prospective follow up studies are needed to develop and refine interventions to improve patient's adherence to treatment and prevent further deterioration, awareness programs about asthma management should be held periodically for bronchial asthma patients with special attention should be given regarding teaching patients, family members who have an active role in patient care to help them comply with the prescribed medical and nursing intervention.


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