Assessment of Nurses' Knowledge and Practice Regarding the Care of Patients Undergoing Gastrointestinal Endoscopy


Medical surgical nursing Faculty of Nursing, Port said University


Background: Gastrointestinal endoscopy is diagnostic and therapeutic procedure that provide good view of the mucosal surfaces of the upper gastrointestinal tract. It is an integral tool in the evaluation and management of many gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary conditions. Aimof this study was to assess nurse's knowledge and practice regarding the care of patients undergoing gastrointestinal endoscopy. Subjects and methods: A descriptive research design was used. A convenient sample was used; it includes all nursing staff working at the endoscopy unit in gastrointestinal surgical center at Mansoura university hospital.Two tools used for data collection. Tool one is structured interview questionnaires part I:sociodemographic data part II : Knowledge questionnaire . Tool two is an observational check list for nurses practice. Results: show that the nurses' had a satisfactory level of  knowledge and practice regarding GIT endoscopy. Conclusion, the study concluded that the nurses' had a satisfactory level of  knowledge and  practice .The study recommended periodic assessment of nurses' knowledge and practice continuously  in order to up to date them.


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