
Maternity Obstetrics, Gynecology Nursing - Faculty of Nursing - Port Said University


Background: nurses should use the standard precautions as the basic level of infection control precautions when delivering care to all patients, regardless of their presumed infection status. Therefore midwives and nurses should have sound knowledge and compliance with standard precaution. The aim of the study: To evaluate   nurse's knowledge of infection control measures in the delivery room. Method: An exploratory descriptive study was conducted from August 2015 and extended to February 2016 on 51 nurses from four hospitals in Damietta governorate. The data were collected from labor rooms of Damietta hospit/als. Tool for data collection self-administers questioners was used. Results: The current study showed that the poor of standard precautions knowledge level and compliance are 72% and 100% respectively. There is a relation between age, education, work experience, and compliance with standard precautions at p < 0.05. At the same time no significant relation between training courses and compliance to standard precautions at p < 0.05. Conclusion: The nurses in the current study for knowledge have poor level regarding standard precautions. There is a relation between age, education, work experience, and knowledge of standard precautions. Recommendations: Knowledge of nurses should be updated; the importance of latest evidence-based practices of infection control in continuing education/training program should be emphasized, and training programs for new nurses about standard precaution and at regular intervals should be provided.


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