
Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health- Faculty of Nursing- Port Said University


Background: The association between personality traits and coping styles suggest that individuals with maladaptive personalities are at a greater risk for experiencing psychological distress as they probably use a maladaptive coping style such as avoidant coping.So, study aimed to identify the relation between coping styles and personality traits among depressed patients. The study sample consisted of 150 patients in the psychiatric health hospital in Port Said City, Using descriptive comparative design. Data was collected through using three tools, The Ways of Coping Questionnaire, An ArabicVersion of Beck Depression Inventory and The Big Five Personality. Results: The study showed that participants with depression and neuroticism as personality traits using escape avoidance as maladaptive coping style and distancing coping style has significant negative correlation with  this neuroticism trait. Moreover, the results revealed that all types of personality traits and coping styles had significant relation with all levels of depression. Conclusion The current study suggests that personality traits and the coping styles the individual employ may influence his experience of depression. Furthermore, the association between personality traits and coping styles suggests that individuals with neuroticism as personalities traits  are at a greater risk for experiencing depression as they are more likely to use a maladaptive coping style such as avoidant coping. Recommendation: educational programs for depressed patients which aim to educate them how to use new adaptive coping.


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