
Maternity, Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing, Faculty of Nursing – Port-said University


Background: Sleep in the postpartum period is a concern due to robust associations with wake disturbance, fatigue, and depression. Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess sleep disturbances and fatigue among women in postnatal period. Subject and Methods: Design a descriptive study design was utilized in this study. Settings the study was carried out in six health centers in Port-Said city namely (El-Manakh, Bank El-Escan, El-Arab, El-Kuwait, Port-Fouad (2), and Omar Ebn-ElKhatab). Sample a Purposive sample was followed in the present study. The study subjects consisted of 322 postpartum women recruited from postpartum outpatient clinics in the above mentioned settings. A Structured interviewed schedule sheet, the Global Sleep Assessment Questionnaire (GSAQ), and the Multidimensional Fatigue Symptom Inventory Short (MFSI_SF). Results: The study’s results indicated that (69.6%) had high sleep disturbance, and (93.8%) had high fatigue. There was statistical significant relation between sleep disturbance and women's residence (p=0.007), women's mode of delivery (p=0.015), and women with problems after delivery (p=0.019). There were statistically significant relationship between fatigue and crowding index (p=0.009), women's residence (p=0.021), complication after delivery (p=0.009), hospital's stay after delivery (p= 0.018), and receiving help for caring the baby from their sisters (p=0.042). Conclusion: It was concluded that, the great majority of the studied women had postnatal fatigue, and about more than two-thirds of them had sleep disturbance. Factors that were increased these problems including living with extended family and high crowding index. Receiving postnatal instructions seems to decrease both sleep and fatigue problems; both sleep and fatigue were decreased with staying one day only at the hospital. While help giving at home from women's sisters was decreasing women’s sleep disturbances and fatigue compared with help from husband. There was a highly statistically significant positive correlation between sleep disturbance and fatigue. Recommendations: It was recommended that awareness program for women and nurses about caring for postnatal period and who are at risk of developing postnatal fatigue and sleep disturbances, and help them to cope with the difficulties encountered


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