Students’ Self Concept and Personalities with their Academic Achievement in Technical Health Institutes at Suez City


Nursing Administration; Faculty of Nursing-Port Said University


 Background: Self-concept associated with cognitive aspects of self-knowledge, which would include all types of cognitive activity and content (concepts, percepts, images, judgments, reasoning, amnesic schemas, etc.). Aim:the aim of the study was to determine the relationship between students' self-concept and personality with their academic achievement in Technical Health Institutes at Suez city. Subject and Methods: The current study utilized a descriptive correlational design. The study population included all students of Health Institute at Suez City with a total numbers of 120 from nursing students and used three tools: Academic Achievement Questionnaire Sheet, Self-concept scale, the Big Five Personality Inventory and a personal questionnaire sheet was added. Results:Positive correlation between self-concept and academic achievement grades (96.7%) had a (good) &that there was a negative correlation between academic achievement grades and personality type. While (66.7%) had (pass) grades. Conclusions:The most of the nursing students had positive self-concept. Furthermore, there was a positive correlation between self-concept and academic achievement grades. The most of the nursing students that had (excellent) and (very good) grades were an openness personality type. Finally, there was a negative correlation between academic achievement grades and personality types. Recommendations: The students should be exposed to motivational talks and seminars, they should also undergo leadership training where they could build self-confidence, independence and build their self-concept, identity and the team spirit to train them to interact with the people of the community


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