Intimate Partner Violence during Pregnancy and their Outcome


Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University


Background: Intimate partner violence is a significant public health issue and the most common form of violence against women worldwide. Pregnancy does not protect against this phenomenon, which may cause adverse health outcomes for both the mother and the newborn. Aim: To determinate the impact of Intimate Partner violence during pregnancy and adverse maternal and fetal outcomes. The research design was a descriptive study, carried out in out-patient clinics in governmental hospitals and health care center in Port Said city.  Sample: A convenient sample of 250 pregnant women in the previously mentioned sitting. The tools that are used for data collection were(1) structured interview questionnaire included socio- demographic data, obstetric history and complication during pregnancy, (2)Violence against women scale asked about type and degree of violence that women exposed during pregnancy, and (3) Social support scale. Results: showed that about one third of pregnant women exposed to all type of violence during pregnancy, including social, physical and psychological 28.0%, 24.8%, 19.2% respectively. Pregnant women had many complications during pregnancy. The majority of pregnant women who have been exposed to physical abuse were hospitalized due to many reasons as: threatened abortion, hypertension, premature rupture of membrane, premature labor, bleeding with pain. Statistically significant positive correlation between abused pregnant women exposed to violence, social support and their husband age and education.Conclusion:The study results concluded that, pregnant women exposed to all type of Intimate Partner Violence during the pregnancy period, caused adversematernal and fetal outcomes. Recommendations:The study recommended that health professionals are working with pregnant women should be vigilant about detecting Intimate partner violence and helping victims to protect themselves and their fetal outcomes
