Effect of Clinical Nursing Pathway on Heart Failure Patients’ Outcomes and Early Readmission Rates in Cardiac Care Units

Document Type : Original Article


1 Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, PortSaid University

2 Professor of Medical-Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing - Mansoura University

3 medical surgical department, faculty of nursing, port said university

4 Professor of medical surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Port Saied University


Background: The global population has a high morbidity and mortality rate associated with heart failure (HF). Whereas, Hospital readmissions consume significant resources and lead to a financial burden. Aim: To evaluate the effect of a clinical nursing pathway on heart failure patients' outcomes and early readmission rates in the cardiac care units. Subjects and method: Design: A Quasi-experimental was used. Setting: This study was conducted at Cardiac Care Units in Port Said Governorate: El-Salam Hospital, Al-Hayat Hospital, El-Zohoer Hospital, and Al-Shifa Medical Complex Hospital. Subjects: A purposive sample of 145 heart failure patients was included. Tools of data collection: Four tools were used, patient assessment, patient anxiety level assessment, patient satisfaction, and patient variance with the clinical nursing pathway intervention. Results: There was a significant difference (P=0.000**) between pre and post-applying clinical nursing pathway intervention regarding length of hospital stay with readmission rate among studied heart failure patients with a mean (9.789±2.59), (4.12±2.61) respectively, and there was a positive effect on the improvement of signs and symptoms of studied heart failure post-applying clinical nursing pathway intervention with a p-value ranged from 0.000 to 0.05, also there was a significant improvement on the anxiety and satisfaction levels of heart failure patients post-applying clinical nursing pathway intervention. Conclusion: The clinical nursing pathway had a positive effect on heart failure patients’ outcomes and length of stay and decreased the readmission rate after discharge. Recommendations: The application of the clinical nursing pathway intervention for patients with heart failure was recommended.


Main Subjects

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