Effect Of Educational Program Regarding Missed Nursing Care On Patients' Safety Culture Among Nurses

Document Type : Original Article


1 Nursing administration- Faculty of Nursing- Port Said University

2 Nursing faculty , Portsaid University

3 Department of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University, Port Said, Egypt

4 2Lecturer of nursing administration, Port Said University


Background: The quality of care and patient safety are at risk due to missed nursing care over the past decade. Promoting nursing skills in intensive care units could decrease missed care. Aim: Assess the effect of an educational program regarding missed nursing care on patients' safety culture among nurses in intensive care units.  Design: A quasi-experimental design was used. Setting: Five intensive care units at Mansoura University Hospital. Subject: A convenient sample of 98 nurses working in the intensive care units. Tools: Three tools were used; Missed nursing care Knowledge questionnaire, Observational checklist for nurses' skills regarding the missed nursing care and hospital survey on patient safety culture. Results: The study revealed that nurse's knowledge related to missed nursing care was pre-program 54.1%, which improved post-program to 61.2%, and slight decreased in follow up to be 60.2%. The percentage of nurses who scored satisfactory nursing skills increased from (36.7%) in the pre-program to (75.5%) in the post-program, and slightly decreased in follow up to be (69.4%).  While, 10.2% of nurses were having high perception regarding culture of patient safety in pre-program and increased post-program to 92.9% and 94.9% in follow up phase. Conclusion: Developing an educational program leads to decrease missed nursing care events, improve nurses' knowledge and skills about missed nursing care, and improve patient safety culture with statistical differences were in pre, post, follows up. Recommendations: Extending the missed nursing care program to all nursing staff in the hospital and emphasizing on its negative effect on patients, nurses, and hospital.


Main Subjects

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