Relation between psychiatric nurses’ perception of their responsibilities, patients’ rights and patients with psychiatric disorders satisfaction

Document Type : Original Article


1 Nursing faculty ,port said university

2 Professor of Mental and Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health, Faculty of Nursing, Portsaid University

3 Assistant Professor in Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health, port said university



Background: Psychiatric nurses are expected to fulfill a variety of formal and informal duties as part of their job. They play a vital role in ensuring that their patients' therapies are lawful and in accordance with human rights, that promote patient satisfaction with the environment and therapy.  Aim: The purpose of the study was to explore the relation between psychiatric nurses’ perception of their responsibilities, patients’ rights and patients with psychiatric disorders. Subjects and Method: Design: a descriptive correlational design was used. Setting: the study conducted at in Port Said Psychiatric Health Hospital. Subjects: consisted of two groups of 60 psychiatric nurses and 60 patients with psychiatric disorders. Tools: The psychiatric nurse responsibilities questionnaire, the psychiatric patient rights questionnaire, and the psychiatric patient satisfaction questionnaire were the three instruments utilized to gather the data. The Results: The findings showed that 66% of psychiatric nurses had a negative opinion of their duties, 86.7% did not think that psychiatric patients had rights, and 85% of patients were not satisfied. The overall scores of nurses' perceptions of their duties, patients' rights, and patient satisfaction did not significantly correlate with each other. Conclusion: the majority of patients with psychiatric disorders reported low levels of satisfaction, while the majority of studied psychiatric nurses had negative perceptions of their roles and patients' rights. Recommendations: To raise nurses' awareness of their tasks and promote patient rights, undertake an educational program about psychiatric nurses' responsibilities and hospitalized psychiatric patients' rights.


Main Subjects

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