Document Type : Original Article


1 B.Sc. Nursing

2 Professor of Nursing Administration Department Faculty of Nursing Ain Shams University

3 Assistant Professor of Nursing Administration Department Faculty of Nursing Port Said University


Background: With the increase emphasis on high quality of health care and professional development, work autonomy continues to be an essential aspect of the work environment for nurses' satisfaction and recognition. Aim: The present study aimed to assess the relationship between professional autonomy and job satisfaction among staff nurses. Material and methods: A descriptive correlational study was used with a sample of (240) staff nurses. The data were collected by using two tools; professional autonomy scale and job satisfaction questionnaire. Results: The results revealed that 43.0% of nurses had low autonomy level followed by 34.2% had high autonomy. Also, it was observed that 56.0% of nurses were satisfied. Conclusion: It was concluded that there was a highly statistically significant positive correlation between the professional autonomy level and job satisfaction level among staff nurses. Recommendation: So, the findings pointed for upgrading nurses' clinical decision making through educational programs and more advanced strategies in clinical areas to enhance job satisfaction and professional autonomy.


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