Influence of Quality of Clinical Learning Environment on the Development of Nursing Students’ Professional Identity

Document Type : Original Article


1 Nursing Administration department, Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University

2 Nursing Administration department, Suez Canal University


Background: Professional identity has ended up as vital challenges regarding education in faculty of nursing. Aim: The aim of the current research is examine the Influence of clinical learning quality on the development of nursing students' professional identity. Subjects and Methods:  There was descriptive correlational research design. This research has been applied in Port Said University. All nursing students at third and fourth academic year were included. Data collected using one tool consisted of three parts: A Self structured questionnaire data sheet, Learning Environment Scale and professional identity scale. Results:  The result revealed that: about two thirds of students (67%) perceived their environment as low  effective learning  environment  and more than four  fifth of students (93%) had positive professional identity.The study results recommended that: Faculty member should encourage students to be interested by social problems associated with nursing.


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