Document Type : Original Article


1 administration,nursing,Mansoura,Dakhalia

2 Nursing AdministrationDepartment, Faculty of Nursing, El-Zagazig University.

3 Nursing AdministrationDepartment, Faculty of Nursing,PortSaid University


Background: Environmental risk as the Probability value of an undesirable event and its consequences that arise from a spontaneous, natural origin or from a human action (physical or administrative) that is transmitted through the environment.  The study aimedto  test applicability of designed tool to assess environmental risk factors affect hospitalized patient in Port Said city. A methodological design was used for data collection.Setting:The study was conducted in Port Said General Hospital and El –Zohour Central Hospital. The study sample consists of three groups were; health team members (physician and nurses)(n=260),Housekeepers (n=39),andpatients (n=60). Two tools were used for data collection; questionnaire sheet, and observational checklists.Results:The highly reliability coefficient was for the general work condition domain (0.969), while the lowest was for   fire measures domain (0.453).  The highest mean score of opinion about the importance of the environmental risk factors tool was among nurses, followed by physicians and the lowest mean score of opinion was  among patients .Conclusion: The results demonstrated that the majority of environmental risk factors assessment tool where applicable, in inpatient units in two hospitals, while more applicable in El-Zohour Hospital than Port Said General Hospital.  Recommendation:  The environmental risk factors assessment tool should be provided for each department in health organization. 


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