Factors Influencing Career Development among Nursing Staff at Port-Said Governmental Hospitals

Document Type : Original Article


1 administration department, faculty of nursing, port-said university

2 Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Cairo University

3 Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Port said University


Background:unparalleled changes which the nurses face in the present healthcare system have created an environment in which individual nurses must take control of their careers and futures.Aim:Determine factors influencing career development among nursing staff at Port-Said governmental hospitals. Design: Descriptive correlational design was used. Setting: This study was carried out in all departments at four hospitals affiliated to the ministry of health in Port Said city namely: Port-said general hospital, Port-fouad general hospital, EL-Zhour general hospital and El-Nasr general hospital. Subjects: This study was included two groups, Group Ι: all nursing managers with total number of (73). Group ΙΙ:staff nurses,Stratified random sample were done to recruits staff nurses with total number of (274) staff nurses. Tool of date collection: Career Development Questionnaire was used; it includes three factors measured by (95 items): personal factors, Job related factors and organizational factors. Results:Current study revealed that Job related factors have highest score (71.2%), then personal factors (68.9%), followed by organizational factors(66.9%)which influencing nursing career development. Conclusion: There was statistically significant positive correlation betweenpersonal factors (nurses' personal behaviors, satisfaction, empowerment, career development practice), Job related factors (autonomy, supervisor support)and organizational factors (management support, the career developmental plans) with nursing career development.Recommendations:generalize development of policies and plans for enhancing career development and increase nurses performance. In addition, administration support: through, in-services training programs, provide resource; and opportunities for further education to upgrade the general awareness level of career development strategies


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