Document Type : Original Article


1 B.Sc Nursing, Cairo University

2 Community Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing – Cairo University

3 Community Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing – Port said University


Background: Intellectual disability is a term which is used when a person has certain limitations in mental functioning and skills such as communication, daily living activities and social skills. Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess teaching and learning difficulties among teachers and intellectual handicapped children in teaching classrooms in Mansoura city.  Subjects and Method: Design : A descriptive research design was utilized in this study. SettingThe study was carried out in five intellectual schools in Mansoura city. Sample: A simple  random sample for both students and teachers was taken .  Subjects Was (273 students and 150 teachers) from the previous study settings. Tools:- Two tools were used on this study: First tool assessment of burnout and psychological exhaustion for special education teachers and second tool is measurement of psychological combustion adaptation patterns of caregivers of children with intellectual disabilities. Results: The study results revealed that 65.3%  of teachers faced difficulties during teaching process because frequent absence of students. 71.1% of children were partially dependent on family in daily living activities. There was no statistically significant relation between years of experience of the teacher and the difficulties that faced them. Conclusion: The majority of the teachers faced difficulties during teaching and the majority of the studied children had mild degree of disability. Recommendations:  It was recommended that training courses should be provided to the teachers to update their information about methods of teaching the handicapped children and for caregivers to improve the health status of their children.


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